Hawaii Community Program(OLD)

  • Hawaii Community Program

The Green Will Conservancy Inc.

(Vision Statement)

Inspire the People with Fiery Determination

 To Persevere



For the land, the elders, the children


 The children’s, children

(Mission Statement)

To empower the People with the Skills and Practical Methods to Persevere and Sustain “resiliency”

(Core Rationale)

The effort to maintain and restore bio-psycho-social sustainability  is one of the most significant visions needed for human community and planetary self-sufficiency. Humans must mature into their destined role of a ‘Steward Species’.

 (A dominant species whose moral development focuses its survival efforts towards systems sustainability) 

Current predictive models indicate that if humanity maintains it’s current non- sustainable practices, we can expect greater economic disparity,  our bio- system may  break down resulting in severe degradation.” The biological support and cultural diversity of the human family is gradually eroding and is seriously threatened.” Urgent efforts to create small scale programs to increase bio-psycho social sustainability must emerge on the local level and be replicated globally. The current increase in poverty, physical, mental illness, decline of family, the extended culturally diverse community may be reflecting this erosion.




 “Green Will” is the Instinct Towards Health and Resiliency

GREEN: Is the universal symbol for growth and renewal. WILL: Is direction or purpose for the innate capacity of civilization for humanitarianism and diversity. The purpose to express that innate civilization into a cultural lifestyle that models a universal natural order that is altruistic and considers the whole system.


We propose to further network online via our interactive resource institute to redress environmental, social  poverty, trauma and other human community risk factors and offer a working relationship w/individuals, communities, agencies, university internship programs, health, education and welfare institutions, local morel and political leadership about 21st century sustainability resources here and in other parts of the world.


The Green Will Conservancy Program is first and foremost a 21’st century skills oriented, online and realtime Community Resource Institute/Human Service Demonstration Program that has been intentionally located in a economically/ geologically challenged, globally remote, multi-cultural community. As such we believe the program designs that are developed are symmetrical, representing a  micro lab that social researchers can use outcomes that are  generalizable to global community.

We provide a charitable organization that serves to provide an online interactive resource institute that is research oriented to 21 st century skills development, onsite demonstration model programming. We organize, fund, educate sustainable practices, targeting regional youth and families, seek to inspire other (green) organizations and community resources to replicate and or innovate. We will provide cutting edge neurological trauma treatment services and offer continuing education training for community mental health providers in trauma informed competency in health, education and welfare. We focus especially on a 21’st Century Skills -pre-vocation orientation for youth up to 18 years of age and their families and for the community resources who serve them.


The Green Will Conservancy reflects models for replication. Public policy makers will naturally replicate these small-scale models as they demonstrate their utility and as the awareness of the impacts of non-sustainable practices become more evident. Educations, mental health and social work systems are adapting new neurologicy based, social-ecological treatment models that are addressing the trauma and resiliency needs of the 21st century.

The program will seek to target individuals and families of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, seeking a special emphasis on those who are at risk of economic and social marginalization. We will provide international level continuing education for the community professionals who provide health. Educational and mental health services to them island and state wide.

Our design and implementation reflects  a generalizable demonstration program based on onsite/ online learning systems, community organization, ecological system models and neurologically based trauma informed/capable care approaches.

The program design and and any research outcomes should therefore be more available /generalizable to the global human population via Internet technology

We invite  social researchers for onsite study opportunities and will work with distance researchers to implement these projects through our internship program.

(Local Demographics/risk factors)

The Puna district of Hawaii represents one of the poorest, fastest growing and most under-served communities in the State of Hawaii and perhaps the nation as a whole. We face cultural and economic challenges, environmental degradation, invasive species infestation, earthquakes, ongoing volcanic eruptions resulting in population displacement.       Lava maps

The children and families of Puna reflect severe levels of psychosocial and economic risks. The percentage of children with special needs is some of the highest in the State and growing. Currently social programming is inadequate to assure that children and families are 21st century prepared and that bio-psychosocial sustainability needs are assured. The current social service, health, mental health and educational system are unprepared to provide for the 21st needs of Puna’s challenging  environmental and social conditions.      Poverty Statistics

College education is less likely for youth born here today.  Computer literacy, green skills orientation, community networking, leadership and social problem solving  skills are more likely to assure the resiliency necessary in order to offset poverty and psycho-social risk factors.  A trauma informed and capable intervention focus seems more appropriate as an intervention model as risk factors are pervasive and prevalent. 

Hawaiian Drug – Etoh Abuse Youth Risk Factors

Current and  long-term community  planning  efforts alone are insufficient to insure that all medical, social and environmental resource needs of the community are available in sustainably ways.

Private sector initiatives need to augment public sector efforts in order to offer resources to encourage innovative new program development. New social program models that are able to be replicated across the community and elsewhere are provided. We believe that our program models and outcomes can serve as generalizable models for changing environmental- human- community response.

We recognize that our families and community elders reflect an unappreciated resource for sustainable wisdom, cultural continuity,  practical living skills along w/ agrarian knowledge  to support community social sustainability.  We effort to embrace them into our programs and offer the potential of outreach to them by youthful volunteer helpers and trauma informed       Elder Youth Resourcing Programs-Articles


(Onsite, Social Club Activities)

Activities for our social club membership can include participation in seed planting, back yard gardening and fruit tree propagation, care of the natural environment. We provide basic exposure to a curriculum regarding plant culture provided by the online curriculum and hands on activities part of the program. We provide opportunities for learning basic computer skills, small group communication, problem solving methods and community service, civic orientation training.  Our social club membership will include children and families, volunteers, interns and mental health professional and para-professional staff with trauma informed and competent skill sets. We provide health oriented and mental health intervention as needed using cutting edge 21st century treatment meathods that focus on resiliency not pathology.

Our onsite and online interactive  curriculum intends to support social leadership  skills, drug free health and mental healthy lifestyles,  sustainable agricultural and cottage industry business skills minded activities within a therapeutic, community affirming, 21’st century  empowerment framework.

(Friendship House)

The “Friendship House” and it’s “Backyard Garden Green Demonstration Project”  operates a social club for children and families , professional and para-professional, volunteer staff and Kapuna (elder) mentors. There is a recognized need for youth to be exposed to pre-vocational experiences and community resource/service opportunities as resourcing a first stage in the amelioration of problems such as poor self-esteem, lack of organizational skills, self regulation and interpersonal abilities.

The social club,provides a non-threatening fun atmosphere for children to meet successful working peer in order to role model. Then after 90 days of success in the program both peer and elder mentors focus more on a vocational area of interest. This exposure will help to sponsor/mentor participants into a financial stipend program to reinforce self selected goal activities.

Advanced student leaders will fundraise for the annual “On the Land” Summer Youth Leaderships Program in Western New York State.

Activities for our social club membership will include participation in seed planting and cloning planting cutting, cleaning up the natural environment. Basic exposure to a curriculum regarding plant culture will be provided by the information and technology part of the program along with learning basic computer skills, small group communication, problem solving methods (transactional analysis) and community service, civic orientation training.


These activities often identify deeper needs. Our professional trauma informed and capable mental health intervention can treat mild-moderate mental health conditions such as emotional disturbance, family problems, depression, substance use and mild behavioral disorders

. For children/families with these needs we have resources available and we can receive direct community referrals for individual and family care for those who may at some point be ready for the social group program.

We have contracts and collateral relationships with Governmental entities, Medical Providers, Family Court, Teen Court, other agencies such Department of Education, Health, as well as insurance providers such as HMSA, Ohana Care, Aloha Care, United Health Tri-care and Quest payers for the trauma informed mental health component of the program.

Referrals for the Social Club will come from participants and families, formal and informal community networks.

We make ongoing effort to include the children and elders as part of the core planning and development for the entire demonstration.

(Mentorship Work Readiness Level)

21’st Century Skills

The program will offer 2 levels of apprentice status leading to Student stipends that will increase commensurate with the level of advancement and responsibility and competence of the apprentice. Final graduates will have the opportunities to be mentored into developing their own cottage industries and/or businesses and readied for internship in local agricultural or business for exposure and opportunities or to gain meaningful employment by their 18th year. Many will go to college. The main focus of the readiness program will be to achieve mental emotional regulation, have computer literacy skills, have knowledge in human problem solving and awareness of sustainable back yard gardening and/or small scale farming, understand alternative green home utilities such as solar power, water storage and purification, composting toilets, and aquaculture growing fish for foods or recreation. (See green garden lab curriculum)

Advanced leadership oriented participants and families  can work towards attending the the annual “on the land” summer leadership program in Western New York. (see summer program)


(Professional Learning Community)

Our professional development programs offers international advanced 21’st century trauma informed/competent treatment care training and consultation resources  for community health, mental health, education and wealfare agencies and individual professionals in Hawaii and nationally via our online professional education programming.



( What are 21st Century Skills and How Does Green Will support their development?)

“The Green Will Conservancy is first and foremost an interactive community support organization that is dedicated to the furthering and fostering of 21st-century skills development for children and families and for community health education and welfare professionals who provide services to our children and families.”

While the specific skills deemed to be “21st century skills” may be defined, categorized, and determined differently from person to person, place to place, or school to school, the term does reflect a general—if somewhat loose and shifting—consensus. The following list provides a brief illustrative overview of the knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits commonly associated with 21st century skills:

  • Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information

    The online Green Will Institute curriculum for students and for ongoing professional development  offers training as well as on-site programming, peer review, and international training oppurtunities in trauma informed care.  PTSD

  • Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning

    Weekly peer review and inter-agency consultation supportive of research on the outcomes of EMDR Therapy and program evaluation. 

  • Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression

    Small group programming and treatment activities supporting the use of  a wide range of play, creative arts, and pre-vocational activities

  • Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative

    The Green Will Youth Leadership Program and Financial Incentive Stipend Program for success as student learners and  leaders who are future 21st Century Citizens.

  • Oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening

    Computer literacy and typing skills training. Use of onsite computer lab, small group communications methods, training-using transactional analysis, to encourage them to model skills with peers and community leaders. 

  • Leadership, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual workspaces

    Interactive participation in the creation of/ ongoing use of the online interactive Green Will Institute learning site.

  • Information and communication technology (ITC) literacy, media and internet literacy, data interpretation and analysis, computer programming

    Use of the Green Will Computer Lab and student authoring  of the Green Will online green curriculum content, pre-post testing evaluations, ongoing.

  • Civic, ethical, and social-justice literacy

    The Green Will Professional Social work community organization focus. Our hosting of MSW and MA internships focusing on client advocacy, and the having of an enviromental justice focus in our group discussions and activities. Our focus on development of  environmental  concerns in curriculum. 

  • Economic and financial literacy, entrepreneurialism

    Student receive  Leadership Stipends and our programs, encouragement of money management skills and  small scale green business development.

  • Global awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism

    The Green Will on-site demonstration project is  centered in and made up of members of one of the most culturally diverse communities on planet earth.

    The  “On The Land” cross- cultural summer leadership program  in WNY State, matching Polynesion youth with Native American and Inner City Youth and Elders from Buffalo NY, and N.E. Ohio.


    ” What does it mean to be a global citizen?”

  • Scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method

    Interagency clinical peer review, research consultation, and advocacy, program evaluation consultation services provided to individual professionals and organizations. Advocacy for the use of standardized tools for outcome measures in human and organizational growth and development.  

  • Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding

    The Green Will Online Green Curriculum in Backyard Gardening, water and waste management, self sufficiency and sustainability and it’s ecological  focus in general .

  • Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and safety

    The Green Will Health and Mental Health on-site and online institute programming, EMDR, Physical Fitness and Yoga, growing and preparing meals from back yard gardening.

Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from http://edglossary.org/hidden-curriculum


(Mind Body Health and Mental Health)

Mental Health –  21st century cutting edge neurological based treatments- EMDR


(Physical Health Programs)

[The Green Will physical fitness program is instructed by Annetta Lucero, international athlete and performing artist. No claims of professional, medical, or therapeutic benefits or directions are offered. Your participation in this program is voluntary and must be undertaken under the guidance of your own physician. The instructor and this program accepts no liability for your participation. Use of the program is used at the users own risk]

I take full responsibility for any risk involved with using this program and I want to be taken to the Physical Fitness Program with Annetta Lucero


Hatha Yoga Program with Sandra Osborne MA

(coming soon)

I take full responsibility for any risk involved in participating in this activity and wish to be taken to the Hatha Yoga program with Sandra Osborne MA



(Nutrituon From The Land)

Kua o ka La Public Charter School in Puna on Hawaii Island recently published a cookbook, Ike Aina: From the Seed to the Table.

Click here to learn about use of local foods



Rat Lung Community Concerns